Transition Parkway and Linear Park- Current and Upcoming Projects in Millersburg

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Transition Parkway was designed to provide access to industrial property south of Conser Road.  This property has been zoned for industrial use since prior to the incorporation of Millersburg in 1974.  In addition to providing access to the industrial lands the road was designed to align with a proposed future interchange on I-5 and route heavy vehicular traffic away from Conser Road, with the intent to lower the 50-mph speed limit on Conser Road in the future.  Finally, the 80-foot road right-of-way, along with a 100-foot-wide linear park is designed to provide a buffer from future industrial development for residents along Conser Road.  The linear park includes a new twelve-foot-wide path extending from Old Salem Road to Woods Road, which will connect to the proposed Woods Road shared use path.

This new road and multimodal path are key to supporting the City’s vision for a future downtown/commercial area connected to a future school site, recreational fields, and YMCA facility near City Hall.  

Visit our project page for more information on the Transition Parkway and Linear Park project.

For more information also visit Downtown/Commercial Area.