Meet Your Council

The City of Millersburg operates under the council-manager form of government. The councilors serve as the City’s policy-making and legislative body. The City Council also hears and decides land-use appeals and adopts the City’s annual budget alongside the Budget Committee. The City Council is composed of five councilors. The councilors serve for a term of four years. The Mayor is elected by the Council at the first January Council meeting following a general election and serves a term of two years.
The Council appoints and evaluates a professional City Manager who serves as the executive head of the City with responsibility for preparing and administering the annual budget, supervising the City, advising the Council on policy issues and current developments, implementing Council decisions, and providing leadership to staff in achieving Council goals and priorities.
The City Council meets in regular session on the 2nd Tuesday of each month at 6:30 pm in the Council chambers in City Hall. Meetings are also held virtually. Meetings are conducted in accordance with the State of Oregon Public Meetings Law. Additionally, as needed, the Council meets on the 4th Tuesday in work sessions to discuss future agenda items or items that may be happening around the area and of concern to Millersburg and our citizens and businesses.
To access the most recent City Council business, review the City Council Agenda/Minutes page and the City's Municipal Code.

Name |
Position |
Term Expiration |
Scott Cowan | Mayor | December 31, 2026 | |
More info soon

Mark Raum |
Council President |
December 31, 2024 | |
More info soon

Mike Hickam | Councilor | December 31, 2026 | |
More info soon

Richard (Dick) Perdue | Councilor | December 31, 2028 | |
More info soon

Ray Hunt | Councilor | December 31, 2028 | |
More info soon