
Engineering Standards

The City of Millersburg maintains Engineering Standards for the design of public facilities. All public improvement designs are required to conform to these standards. The Engineering Standards posted here reflect the most recent version of these documents.

It is the user’s responsibility to make sure all proposals, plans, and submittals conform to the most recent version at the time the work is submitted. The City of Millersburg assumes no responsibility for engineers and/or developers that submit plans based on an outdated version of these documents. A hard copy of these Engineering Standards can be purchased for $100. Holders of hard copy Engineering Standards will be required to purchase a new copy of standards each time they are updated.

Construction Standards

The City of Millersburg has adopted the City of Albany standard specifications and detailed drawings for construction of public facilities. All public improvements are required to conform to these specifications. The Standard Construction Specifications posted on the City of Albany’s website reflect the most recent version of these documents and drawings. It is the user's responsibility to make sure all bids, proposals, plans, and submittals conform to the most recent version at the time the work is bid or approved. The City of Millersburg assumes no responsibility for contractors and/or engineers who submit plans based on an outdated version of these documents and drawings.

Private Construction of Public Infrastructure (PCPI)

PCPI projects are projects implementing public improvements by private contractors, developers and citizens.  The PCPI process is typically used when public improvements such as water, sewer, stormwater systems and/or streets are required to be designed and constructed by non-City personnel. The range of projects this could encompass could be a small extension of water main and fire hydrant to a large subdivision.