DC 21-03 Comprehensive Plan Map Change for 3 properties west of NE Woods Road
Name: Comprehensive Plan Map Change for 3 properties west of NE Woods Road
Applicant: City fo Millersburg
Proposal: The City is proposing to change the Comprehensive Plan Map designation for three properties totaling about 150 acres along the western edge of the City. The City proposes to change the Comprehensive Plan Map designation from ‘Agricultural’ to ‘Residential.’
Not many outside the Planning profession are too familiar with what a Comp Plan Map is. A Comp Plan Map is more conceptual than a Zoning Map. A Zoning Map implements the Comp Plan Map. Comp Plan maps designate what kinds of uses should be in given areas of the City, but at a very general level. The Zoning designation of Rural (RU) is not proposed to be changed at this time.