3J Consulting - Project Consultant
We problem-solve for the present and design a vision for the future – all with the goal to develop reliable infrastructure, build healthy environments, and protect natural resources. Our team pulls together our best ideas to help our communities grow intuitively and gracefully. What makes us feel good at the end of the day is knowing that we’re using our skills to grow communities – and to promote professional growth.
Community Planning
Community Planning begins with a plan that captures the community’s or owner’s vision and recognizes the land’s unique physical characteristics. With backgrounds in design and planning, our team has the expertise to prepare a full range of plans from a conceptual plan for hundreds of acres to site of less than one acre. Through the application of simple and elegant design principals, we facilitate the seamless movement from design to successful implementation.
We work with cities and counties to successfully process residential, commercial, industrial and institutional development applications, and prepare long range planning and policy documents. We produce Comprehensive Plan updates and amendments, craft specific area plans, and update zoning codes to reflect changes in national, state, county and local laws and policies.
For more information about 3J Consulting, visit: https://www.3jconsulting.com/