DC 22-03 De-annexation of property from the City Limits
Name: De-annexation of property from the City Limits
Applicant: City
Proposal: The City is proposing to remove about 171.84 acres of property from the City limits. This area is designated as General Industrial.
It should be noted that this process of de-annexation (technically called a removal of territory) is a stand alone process, a single land use action; however, it is meant to be part of a larger Urban Growth Boundary (UGB) swap. The property is generally unbuildable and this City limit change is the first step in swapping this unbuildable property for other property that would allow industrial development. The File number for the de-annexation is DC 22-03, but the UGB update is DC 22-01.
Pursuant to State law requirements, the action has three steps- first the City Council has to adopt a Resolution stating what the limits of the proposed City Limit change will be. Second, the City Council has to hold a public hearing for the public to provide comment on the revision. The Council can them change the Resolution and the limits of the change if they so desire. Third, the City Council makes the change official by adopting an Ordinance effectuating the new City Limits.