Project DeLorean - Northwest RE LLC- Current and Upcoming Projects in Millersburg


Project DeLorean is a US-based, Fortune 500 global manufacturer currently producing in more than fifty locations around the world.  They have a top safety record and company values are rooted in sustainability, operational excellence, and the power of their people. They are committed to providing innovative, sustainable solutions for the customers they serve. They believe in their people, culture and ability to deliver value to stakeholders including the communities in which they live and operate.

The project is located at 3130 NE Transition Parkway and is set to begin construction of the manufacturing/warehouse facility this fall, with startup of the facility beginning in the first half of 2026.  The 47.26 acre site is located to the west and south of our new Fire station off Transition Parkway. All manufacturing processes are located inside building structures, minimizing outside disturbance.  Their architectural designs are carefully crafted to complement and enhance the areas in which they operate.

For additional information look here

Grading has begun as of February 2025.  Building Permits have not yet been issued.