New online hearing software! Zoom and YouTube
The City of Millersburg is changing how the public can attend and watch public meetings online. This will apply to City Council and Planning Commission meetings and hearings.
Background- The City began hosting meetings online using software called Aspen UC. While this process has worked, the City is changing to a new process that should bring several benefits to the public. The goal is to make online access to meetings easier and safer. The City is changing to a process that will use Zoom and YouTube.
Why?- There are a few reasons for the change. Aspen UC is not very well known, and requires people to install the software on their machine in order to participate. Zoom is far better known. You have probably already used Zoom. Also, the technology used in Aspen UC is not as feature-rich as Zoom. Zoom offers more functionality for hosting meetings, which will benefit the user experience. This will also allow us to use better graphics, so the text on the PowerPoint presentations will be easier to see. We are also planning to live stream the meetings to YouTube, to make it easy for those who just want to listen in and not directly participate. The public can use Zoom, YouTube, or both!
How does it work?- There are two choices now.
- If you just want to watch the meeting, you can use YouTube. The City has a YouTube channel, you can find that here- City of Millersburg YouTube Channel. The meetings will stream live on this channel. Keep in mind, a user can only watch on YouTube, there is no way to 'speak' to the Council or Commission using this, and the comments feature is turned off.
- If you want to participate remotely, meaning, you want to speak to the Council or Commission during the meeting, you can use Zoom. If you want to use Zoom, you will need to contact Sheena Dickerman, the City Recorder, to get an invitation to the meeting at least 1 day prior to the meeting (invitations will not be given the day of the meeting). Sorry, we know this extra step can be frustrating. We are doing this to prevent inappropriate use of Zoom. We want the meetings to safe for everyone, this helps us use the platform responsibly. With the invitation, the user will be able to request to speak during any portion of the agenda where public testimony or comments are permitted. Remember, anyone is still welcome to attend in person anytime.
When will the changes go live?- The City is tentatively planning to go live with this new process for the October 1st Planning Commission meeting and/or the October 8 City Council Meeting. Keep an eye on the agenda for the meetings. The agenda will explain the details of how to connect online.
Questions?- We know change can be tough. If you have any questions on this change, or how to use the platform, feel free to contact the City Recorder, Sheena Dickerman, at or 458-233-6300.